Q: I’m trying to heal financially as life returns to pre-pandemic norms, but the rising cost of many commodities, like groceries and gasoline, is making a financial rebound a challenge. Why are prices skyrocketing right now?
3 min read
How to Make a Vacation Budget You Can Keep
By Wasatch Peaks on June 29, 2021
With mask mandates and occupancy limits easing and/or lifting, millions of Americans are looking forward to a summer getaway with more excitement than usual. Entertainment venues are opening, attractions are up and running again and for some, it’s been two years since they’ve enjoyed a real summer vacation.
Topics: Budgeting
3 min read
College Degree Scams
By Wasatch Peaks on June 29, 2021
For many young adults, obtaining a college degree in their desired field is the key to a secure financial future. Unfortunately, though, scammers are exploiting this essential right of passage by offering fake diplomas and bogus degree programs to the unsuspecting college-bound crowd. Here’s what you need to know about college degree scams.