Re-acclimating to normal life as pandemic restrictions are lifted and businesses reopen across the country will mean more than just getting used to wearing real pants again and working without your cat on your lap. You’ll also need to consider your finances. How has your overall money management changed during the pandemic? Have you dipped into your savings? Have you been letting your retirement accounts slide? Or, maybe you’ve been waiting for the chance to hit your favorite retailers again, and you can’t wait to splurge after a 15-month financial fast.
3 min read
Post-Pandemic Money Moves
By Wasatch Peaks on June 26, 2021
Topics: Budgeting Coronavirus
4 min read
What Do I Need to Know About the Advance Child Tax Credit Payments?
By Wasatch Peaks on June 21, 2021
Q: I’ve heard that the IRS will start making advance payments toward the Child Tax Credit of 2021 this summer. What do I need to know about these payments?
Topics: Taxes
3 min read
Needs vs. Wants: How to Tell the Difference
By Wasatch Peaks on June 18, 2021
One of the most important parts of setting up a monthly budget is separating needs from wants. Before assigning dollar amounts to any categories, it’s important to know which parts of your monthly expenditures are an absolute need, and which items would be nice to include, but are not a necessity. Many people find this particularly challenging, and many even give up on budgeting when they can’t move past this step.