

4 min read

How to Be a Competitive Buyer in Ogden's Hot Real Estate Market

By Wasatch Peaks on June 10, 2021

The real estate market in Ogden, Utah, has been robust for years—long before the market became hot for other cities in the U.S. It’s not hard to see why. Ogden is a gorgeous place, offering majestic views of the mountains, and its real estate provides access to an amazing quality of life.

2 min read

Six Reasons to Switch to eStatements

By Wasatch Peaks on June 8, 2021

Are you constantly dealing with a barrage of junk mail that clogs up your mailbox? Drowning in papers needing sifted through? Are you always afraid to throw out any paper from your financial institution, fearful that you’ll be throwing sensitive material into the trash and making it an easy steal for would-be scammers?

Topics: Online Banking Mobile Banking
4 min read

Buying Commercial Real Estate [Checklist]

By Wasatch Peaks on June 7, 2021

Although residential real estate remains scarce, with bidding wars cropping up in even unassuming neighborhoods, there are many opportunities for those hoping to enter (or add to their holdings in) the commercial real estate sector.
