Spring is a great time of year to clear your house of accumulated junk and make it sparkle. Why not do the same for your finances? Junk can accumulate there, too. In fact, some of your money matters may need a good wipe down this season. It is especially true this year, when many Americans are still recovering from the financial fallout of COVID-19, or maybe wondering how to use the latest round of stimulus checks. Whatever your current situation, a thorough spring-cleaning for your finances is a responsible move this time of year.
3 min read
How Much Does it Cost to Have a Dog?
By Wasatch Peaks on April 8, 2021
Q: I’d love to have a dog, but I’m not sure I can afford one. What kind of expenses am I looking at if I bring a furry canine friend home?
Topics: Budgeting
3 min read
Beware Stimulus and Tax Scams | Wasatch Peaks Credit Union
By Wasatch Peaks on April 5, 2021
It’s stimulus season and tax season at once, and scammers couldn’t be happier. They know that taxpayers are eager to get their hands on their stimulus payments and tax refunds. As consumers are working to file their taxes before the May 17 deadline, all that paperwork and payments mean people may be letting their guard down. For a scammer, nothing could be better!