

2 min read

What Happens When You Pay Off Your Credit Card? Find Out...

By Wasatch Peaks on February 10, 2021

You’ve paid off your credit card, now what? First, congratulations on meeting one of your financial goals! Paying off credit card debt is a huge step and can take a lot of work. You’re probably now wondering what you should do next and we’ve got some ideas and tips to help you navigate your next steps.

Topics: Credit Credit Cards
2 min read

Why There Is a Hold on Your Check Deposit and What to Do

By Wasatch Peaks on February 9, 2021

Have you ever tried to deposit a check, but the funds took some time before landing in your account? It may be frustrating, especially if you don’t have a clear understanding of why this is happening. We’re here to help you understand why your check may have a hold and what you can expect.

Topics: Checking Account
5 min read

30 Mortgage Terms to Know When Getting A Home Loan

By Wasatch Peaks on February 8, 2021

Buying a home is one of the largest purchases you’ll make. While getting a mortgage and making your home purchase, you may find there are a lot of terms and phrases that are being used. We want to help you feel confident and understand these terms as you make decisions about your home and mortgage.

Topics: Home Tips Mortgage Loans
