Why fumble for your wallet at checkout when you can just pay by using your phone?
3 min read
The Benefits of Using Mobile Pay
By Wasatch Peaks on December 17, 2020
Topics: Credit Cards Security Mobile Banking
3 min read
Don't Fall Prey to a Holiday Toy Scam
By Wasatch Peaks on December 16, 2020
He’s making his list and checking it twice. Unfortunately, though, the scammers making the list aren’t being so nice.
Topics: Scams Security Holidays
3 min read
Keeping the Cheer in the Holidays
By Wasatch Peaks on December 12, 2020
‘Tis the season to be jolly, but many of us may be feeling grinchy this year. With the pandemic still a looming threat to our health and happiness, the economy still a hot mess, and so many of our favorite seasonal activities canceled, getting into the holiday spirit can be challenging.