

5 min read

What's Better? Buying a New or Used Car?

By Wasatch Peaks on September 12, 2018

It’s exciting to purchase a new car – whether that car is brand new or new-to-you!

Topics: Budgeting Auto Loan
6 min read

How to Buy a Used Car

By Wasatch Peaks on September 5, 2018

Very few purchases are more associated with slimy salesmen and oblivious buyers than used car sales. It’s almost a cliché: The used-car dealer’s eyes glitter with dollar signs as he pats the clueless buyer on the back and watches him drive off the lot with a total lemon.

Topics: Budgeting Auto Loan
3 min read

How to Get a Great Auto Loan Interest Rate

By Wasatch Peaks on May 25, 2017

Having a car represents more than just another possession—it’s a way for you to get to school and work, a way to transport your kids to their activities every week, and the freedom to go where you want when you want. But for many people, the process of getting a new car is filled with uncertainty about whether you would be able to get a car with a payment you can afford. The interest rate has a significant impact on the total cost of your car and your monthly payments, so these simple steps to getting the best auto loan rate can help.

Topics: Auto Loan
