If you’re thinking about opening a new checking account, you might have some questions. We’re here to help you understand when and how a checking account can affect your credit score and how to make sure that impact is a positive one.
2 min read
How A Checking Account Affects Your Credit Score
By Wasatch Peaks on January 12, 2021
Topics: Credit Checking Account
7 min read
11 Best Ways to Pay Off Credit Card Debt Fast
By Wasatch Peaks on December 29, 2020
Credit cards have become essential to modern life, allowing us to afford necessities we cannot purchase outright. From groceries to medical bills, they provide a way to cover expenses when cash is tight.
Topics: Credit Credit Cards
2 min read
Pre-Qualified vs. Pre-Approved Credit Card Applications
By Wasatch Peaks on November 24, 2020
Have you ever received a pre-qualified credit card offer in the mail? If you’re looking for a new credit card, the offers may be helpful, otherwise they might be annoying. But do you know why you’re receiving them? We’ve got the info about why you’re receiving these offers and how to either utilize the offers or opt out of receiving them.