The arrival of spring and the deep house cleaning it inspires means more people are putting their old furniture, devices, sports equipment and clothing up for sale. That's why the amount of items like these on sites like Craigslist swells considerably during this season. If you have the time and patience to sift through the offerings, there are wonderful treasures to be found. Conversely, if your own spring cleaning unveils hordes of sellable stuff you don't use anymore, you can make good money selling them online.
4 min read
8 Ways to Spot a Home Improvement Scam
By Wasatch Peaks on May 20, 2019
It’s home improvement season! Contractors of all kinds, from painters to builders, electricians, roofers and more, are hard at work sprucing up homes across the country.
Topics: Scams Home Tips
4 min read
Beware Tech Support Scams
By Wasatch Peaks on April 10, 2019
Computer on the brink? Careful who you contact to fix it! That’s because the FTC is warning of a surge in tech support scams, many of which can be difficult to spot.