Who doesn’t dream of becoming an instant millionaire? You might even have some detailed plans for how you’d spend an unexpected windfall if it were to happen. Imagine if a distant relative who’d been rolling in the stuff suddenly passed on and left you as their sole heir. Your dreams could now become a reality! Wouldn’t you do anything to make that happen?
3 min read
What To Do About Spam: Cutting Down On Unwanted Email
By Wasatch Peaks on March 29, 2017
Q: My inbox is overflowing with unwanted emails. Everyone wants to sell me something, or worse, steal from me! How can I take my inbox back from these spammers?
Topics: Scams Security
7 min read
Three Powerful Actions That Will Protect You from Tax Identity Theft
By Wasatch Peaks on March 16, 2017
How secure are your tax returns?