

2 min read

Beware of Tax Scams!

By Wasatch Peaks on January 20, 2017

Tax season is here, and unfortunately that also means that “tax scams” are here as well. Every tax season, there are more schemes targeting innocent taxpayers through phone calls, emails, in person, and even through social media channels. Some call to “verify” tax return information over the phone, some demand payments for a fake “Federal Student Tax,” and some impersonate tax preparers. Whatever the scheme, taxpayers need to vigilant against the scammers. Here are several tips to avoid being a victim:

Topics: Taxes Scams
3 min read

Protect Your Personal Information This Holiday Season!

By Wasatch Peaks on December 28, 2016

Every year had a new “it” toy. There’s always something so awesome, it just has to get under the tree. These toys are flying off the shelves faster than retailers can stock them, setting up an incredibly inflated second-hand market. People are willing to pay two or three times the retail price just to get whatever it is that’s sparked national attention.

Topics: Scams Holidays
3 min read

Watch For These Product Recall Scams!

By Wasatch Peaks on November 15, 2016

When a company has to recall a product, it’s never pretty. Organizing refunds, exchanges, and other considerations for customers takes time. Meanwhile, the customers just want the product they bought to work as advertised!

Topics: Scams
