Summertime brings loads of expenses that can bust any budget. There are family vacations that put a serious strain on your wallet, costly camp fees for the kids and dozens of other expenses that may not always be part of your usual financial planning.

Wasatch Peaks
Recent posts by Wasatch Peaks
2 min read
President's Message: July 2023
By Wasatch Peaks on Jul 7, 2023 9:40:18 AM
I want to start by wishing you all a safe and happy summer season. As a kid, summers were the best…no school, no shoes, no problems! Summer might not be quite as fun for adults, but it’s still pretty awesome, especially here in Utah. Whether you like the mountains, or the lakes, or the red rocks, Utah has some pretty incredible places to go and things to do during the summer months.
Topics: President's Message
1 min read
United We Read Book Drive
By Wasatch Peaks on Apr 7, 2023 9:44:12 AM
Wasatch Peaks Credit Union is partnering with United Way of Northern Utah to host a book drive! During the month of April, new and gently used books will be accepted at all Wasatch Peaks branch locations. These books will benefit local elementary age children.