
Wasatch Peaks 89th Annual Meeting

By Wasatch Peaks on Jan 3, 2019 2:41:31 PM

Mark your calendars, March 21st is Wasatch Peaks’ 89th Annual Meeting!

Our 89th Annual Meeting will begin at 6 pm and will be held at Walker Cinemas 6 in North Ogden (1610 N Washington Blvd, Ogden, UT 84404). Join us for a brief business meeting, our Board of Directors election results, PRIZES, free popcorn and drinks, and a movie!

3 min read

2019 Board of Directors Election

By Wasatch Peaks on Jan 3, 2019 2:41:06 PM

Election Instructions:

There are six (6) candidates running for four (4) seats.

2 min read

President's Message: Financial Resolutions

By Wasatch Peaks on Jan 3, 2019 2:38:10 PM

1. Plan to pay down debt: Look at your finances honestly. Look at one of your debts and determine which one you will pay off first. Some people tackle the highest interest rate first while others will start with the lowest balance. It’s your choice, just remember that with every debt you pay off you free up money that can help you tackle the next one.
