The Wasatch Peaks Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN 88-1110789), was founded in February 2022.
Importantly, one hundred percent (100%) of all donations are given back to the community. Wasatch Peaks Credit Union covers all administrative costs for the Wasatch Peaks Foundation.
Community is one of the six core values of Wasatch Peaks Credit Union and the Wasatch Peaks Foundation continues to carry on this value. Service makes the Wasatch Peaks culture more vibrant and communities stronger.
Wasatch Peaks Foundation
The Wasatch Peaks Foundation was established as the community involvement and charitable giving arm of Wasatch Peaks Credit Union.
To assist organizations that benefit the communities in which Wasatch Peaks operates. The Foundation works to connect volunteers and resources to community organizations. The Foundation’s focus is in four areas:
Foundation Initiatives
Four key initiatives funded by the Foundation are Warm The Soles, Stukent Personal Finance simulation licensing for local high schools and community partnerships, college scholarships, and local non-profits.
Sign up as a sponsor or register a foursome for our 3rd Annual Wasatch Peaks Foundation Golf Tournament!
The 2nd Annual Wasatch Peaks Foundation Golf Tournament was a resounding success! A special thanks to our 36 teams of golfers and sponsors for supporting the Wasatch Peaks Foundation. Because of your generous support, $2,500 scholarships will be awarded to students from fifteen local high schools in Weber, Davis, Morgan, and Box Elder Counties. Enjoy the short 2nd Annual Wasatch Peaks Foundation Golf Tournament video…
Wasatch Peaks Credit Union 4723 Harrison Blvd Ogden, Utah 84403
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